Virtual Visit

Roman Bootcamp: Virtual Workshop

Take part in a series of challenges to find out about the life of a Roman Soldier. Learn about the Romans that once lived in Caerleon and discover what skills the Romans looked for in a soldier.  You will learn about Roman armour and be tested on your marching skills. You can also ask questions about a Roman soldier's life and some of the interesting objects they left behind. 

To make a booking and talk to someone about this session phone (029) 2057 3546 or email


Duration: 1 hour
Cost: For use in school - free of charge.


Humanities: Events and human experiences are complex, and are perceived, interpreted and represented in different ways.

Age: 8-11

Learning objectives: 

  • Discover what life was like for new recruits in the Roman army, paying attention to their different backgrounds, how they were trained and what was expected of them.
  • Review the ways these events and experiences are perceived, interpreted and represented.
  • Consider the differences and similarities in how the Romans may have felt in the Roman army invading Britain compared to those of the Britons.
  • Reflect on what we can learn from Roman times to improve society today.

Roman Bootcamp: Virtual Workshop

National Roman Legion Museum

Booking information

To make a booking and talk to someone about this session phone (029) 2057 3546 or email