Art Collections Online

Girl in a Blue Dress

JOHN, Gwen (1876 - 1939)

Media: oil on canvas

Size: 43.9 x 34.9 cm

Acquired: 1935; Purchase

Accession Number: NMW A 147

This is one of a series of at least eight paintings of the same model, a neighbour at Meudon, This one was bought by the National Museum of Wales in 1935 for £20. The artist explained to her friend Mary Anderson 'I wanted money so I ... sent [five pictures] ... to England ... one was sold for a museum of pictures & I had a very chic letter from the director, so now I don't want money for the moment'. The picture is full of serenity, achieved partly by the choice of colour and placing of the figure, and partly by her technique. The paint is so dry and so evenly applied that both figure and background have exactly the same texture.

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