Art Collections Online

The Mill at Orbe

COURBET, Gustave (1819 - 1877)

Media: oil on canvas

Size: 49.6 x 60.0 cm

Acquired: 1912; Purchase; Pyke Thompson funds

Accession Number: NMW A 2446

The mill is set on a waterfall on the river Orbe in Switzerland, near the French border. The textures of the paint immitate the rushing water and geology. Courbet had anarchic views on both art and politics and was a key activist during the civil unrest which followed the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. He spent the end of his life in exile.

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I think I have this painting, but didn't realize it. Labeled "The Mill"
30 December 2013, 14:45
Can you help me out? Aprox. value?
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