Make & Do

Speedy Landscapes

Using a window as your resource, experiment with mark making to create 2 minute landscape drawings.

You will need:

  • A window!
  • Pieces of paper or card. They do not need to be plain white paper. Sometimes, it is easier to be more creative whist drawing on a background that is not plain. Experiment with this theory!
  • A viewfinder
  • Materials to make marks with. We used a brown felt tip pen.


1. Create a viewfinder. Crease a fold down the middle of a piece of paper or card and cut out a square of any size.

2. Hold your viewfinder up against the window. Move it around until you find a view that you find interesting.

3. What can you see? What do you notice? How does the view make you feel?

Activity One

Setting a timescale of 2 minutes, use a series of marks to capture the view within your viewfinder.

Activity Two

Repeat the exercise but use your non-dominant hand. How different was this experience?

Activity Three

Experiment with creative risk taking. Draw the view again, within the same timescale, but this time keep your eyes closed. How did each exercise affect your drawing experience? For example, were you more focused on the process rather than the aesthetics of the finished piece? See if you can take this a step further by creating your own mark making exercise. Enjoy!
