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Event: Dementia Friendly Tours at the National Roman Legion Museum

National Roman Legion Museum
Fully Booked
6 September 2024, 10am-1pm
Cost Free
Suitability All
Booking is essential please email: learning.romans@museumwales.ac.uk

“It’s been fantastic. With people with memory loss there’s a lot spent on research but not much on how to spend an afternoon” (Person affected by dementia)  

[She] was very impressed and thoroughly enjoyed the trip out. She thought that there were only displays at the museum that she finds boring and was happy with how interactive the visit was…especially…the herb garden, learning about the armour and getting to physically touch it.” (Alzheimer’s Society Cymru Group facilitator)

Join us to find out about Roman life in Caerleon. 

The tour involves:

  • A warm welcome in a dedicated space.
  • A visit to a reconstructed Roman Barrack room to learn about the life of a Roman soldier.
  • A chance to explore the objects in the museum gallery.
  • A hot drink and a chance to chat in a dedicated space.
  • A visit to the Roman garden to touch, smell and taste the herbs used by Romans to treat illnesses.  

The dedicated space will be available for anyone wanting to sit out any part of the tour. The tour happens within the museum so there are not any long distances to walk. The tour lasts approximately 2 hours with breaks and refreshments will be provided. In terms of facilities, there are accessible toilets onsite at the museum. These opportunities are open to both those living with dementia and those supporting people living with dementia.

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