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Boiled Salmon or Sewin

Cenarth, Carmarthenshire

Frail - commonly known as salmon baskets - used for carrying fish from putchers at low tides

The gentry in the districts of Cenarth and Newcastle Emlyn enjoyed the freshwater fish caught locally and were fortunate in having better facilities for cooking them.  Informants who had been employed in these mansions recall using a fish-kettle to boil the salmon or sewin on the large range in the kitchen.  When served warm they would prepare parsley sauce or anchovy sauce with salmon, and parsley sauce with sewin.

The Recipe

You will need

  • fresh salmon steak (one or two pounds)
  • fennel
  • water
  • a little salt


  1. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil, add the salt and a few fennel leaves and then immerse the salmon steak carefully in the water. 
  2. Simmer gently, allowing fifteen minutes for every pound, and taking care not to boil it too briskly to prevent the salmon from flaking in the water.
  3. When cooked, drain well and slice, as needed. 
  4. Serve warm with parsley sauce or cold with salad and bread and butter.

Cenarth, Carmarthenshire.

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