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Oatmeal Pancakes

Baking lightcakes. Kennixton, St Fagans National Museum of History.

It was a tradition in Anglesey on Shrove Tuesday to serve bara bwff to the men-servants while the family enjoyed pancakes for tea.


The Recipe

You will need

  • eight ounces plain flour
  • three ounces oatmeal or wholemeal flour
  • three quarter ounce yeast
  • one teaspoonful sugar
  • one teaspoonful salt
  • two ounces butter
  • quarter pint milk
  • quarter pint warm water
  • two eggs, well beaten


  1. Put the flour and oatmeal in a large, warm bowl or jug. 
  2. Melt the butter into the milk over a low heat. 
  3. Cream the sugar and yeast, add the warm water and pour into the milk and melted butter. 
  4. Add the beaten eggs to this liquid mixture, and pour gradually into the flour. 
  5. Beat well and then allow the batter to rise in a warm place for a short period.
  6. Grease a moderately hot bakestone, pour the batter on it as for pancakes and bake on both sides.
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