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Potato Bread

Dinas Cross, Pembrokeshire

It was common practice in many districts in Pembrokeshire and Cardiganshire to make this cake when there was a considerable amount of potatoes left over after the mid-day meal.

The Recipe

You will need

  • one pound potatoes
  • four ounces flour
  • two ounces sugar
  • one ounce butter
  • two ounces currants
  • a little milk


  1. Boil the potatoes and mash thoroughly. 
  2. Melt the butter into the potatoes and fold in the other dry ingredients. 
  3. Add a little milk, if necessary, to make a soft dough. 
  4. Turn out on to a well-floured board and roll out into large, fairly thin rounds. 
  5. Bake on a fairly hot bakestone until golden brown on both sides. 
  6. Spread with butter.

Dinas Cross, Pembrokeshire.


Poten dato

or Potato Cake was baked regularly in the counties of Cardiganshire and Pembrokeshire when potatoes were harvest and plentiful in the autumn. The traditional version was sweet and contained sugar, spice and currants. They have been left out of Rhian Gay's modern version in order to make small savoury cakes — an ideal base for canapés

Poten dato

or Potato Cake was baked regularly in the counties of Cardiganshire and Pembrokeshire when potatoes were harvest and plentiful in the autumn. The traditional version was sweet and contained sugar, spice and currants. They have been left out of Rhian Gay's modern version in order to make small savoury cakes — an ideal base for canapés

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