Welsh Foods

Welsh Fare Homepage



Kennixton Farmhouse at St Fagans National Museum of History

Generally on bread baking day, the farmers’ wives would bake a large tinful of this pudding in the wall oven and keep it for the family’s Saturday dinner.  Saturday morning was usually taken up with cleaning the house and they did not have time to prepare a cooked mid-day meal.

Gower Peninsula.

The Recipe

You will need

  • short-crust pastry
  • six tablespoonfuls plain flour
  • half a teaspoonful baking powder
  • two teaspoonfuls sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • one egg, well beaten
  • jam


  1. Line a pie dish with a thin layer of pastry and spread jam on it. 
  2. Put the dry ingredients in a bowl and gradually add the beaten egg to make a smooth batter. 
  3. Pour this mixture over the jam and bake the pudding in a fairly hot oven until golden brown.

Comments (2)

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Sara Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales Staff
26 March 2018, 10:09

Dear Sarah

Of course! The information is here for you to use as you see fit. It'd be great if you could mention that it came from our Social History archives, but you don't have to - hope your talk goes well.

Best wishes

Digital Team

Sarah Lever
25 March 2018, 16:50

May I please use this recipe for a U3A presentation?