Welsh Foods

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Llandrindod Wells, Powys

This shortbread was prepared specially for the noson lawen (merry evenings) held in the farmhouses in Radnorshire.

Llandrindod, Radnorshire.

The Recipe

You will need

  • eight ounces butter
  • twelve ounces wholemeal flour
  • four ounces rice flour
  • eight ounces sugar


  1. Cream the butter until soft, sift the wholemeal flour over it and work it into the butter. 
  2. Add the sugar and rice flour and knead well to a soft dough.
  3. Divide the dough into four equal parts and shape into flat rounds. 
  4. Prick the surfaces lightly with a fork and pinch the edge of each one with the thumb and forefinger. 
  5. Place on a shallow tin and bake in a moderately hot oven for approximately half an hour.
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