Who is Bloedd for?

If you’re 16–25 years old and either live in Wales or are from Wales but living elsewhere, you can sign up to Bloedd!

What does Bloedd mean?

In Welsh, ‘Bloedd’ translates to Shout. We are keen that as a collective our voices are heard, platformed and that we use our experience as young people to challenge and speak out within the Museum.

Why should I join Bloedd?

If you’re interested in arts, culture, identity, science and history then there will be plenty of opportunities for you to explore these interests through Bloedd. Bloedd is a great way to meet peers from across Wales and collaborate. Join Bloedd if you have any projects you want to develop or learn new skills or if you’ve never really experienced the museum in a way that’s tailored to young people!

Can I be part of Bloedd if I’m living outside of Wales?

Yes, if you are from Wales or have lived in Wales for a period of time. Just bear in mind that a lot of our opportunities would require you to travel to one of our sites but there is a chance for hybrid working.

I work full time, can I still be an Amgueddfa Cymru Producer?

We try to tailor projects around ACP availability, a lot of what we do can be out of hours and online. Not all Amgueddfa Cymru Producer opportunities are major projects and so there’s flexibility to join projects that suit you and your schedule.

I’m almost 25; can I still sign up to the network?

You can be part of the Bloedd network until your 26th birthday and once you’re 26 there may be other opportunities for you to sign up to that don’t have an age limit across Amgueddfa Cymru such as volunteering and placements.

I have access requirements; how will I be supported?

We have an access rider form to be filled out before every project or workshop takes place. You can share as much or little information in this document so that we can help make engaging via Bloedd as accessible as possible. We feel strongly about accessibility rights and so communication in sharing your requirements and needs will help facilitate this.

When we say heritage, what do we mean?

We talk a lot about heritage here at Bloedd, what we mean is things in our past that connect us to our identity and connect us to others. This can be through social history, art, culture, the natural world.

How can young people challenge institutions and promote change?

Just by joining Bloedd you are promoting change! Bloedd started as a Kick the Dust Lottery-funded project which ended in March 2023. This work is now embedded across the Museum; this means that this work is valuable and must continue and grow! The Amgueddfa Cymru team at Bloedd are dedicated to challenging old structures and making way for new – we do this by supporting youth leadership and offering resources.

What if I can’t afford to travel to Amgueddfa Cymru sites?

We reimburse out of pocket travel expenses, such as train or bus tickets.