Enterprise and Employability Challenge - Welsh Baccalaureate
Key Stage 4 - National / Foundation
Here are activities and resources created by Ross Thomas and Amgueddfa Cymru to support you in delivering the coursework requirements for the new Welsh Baccalaureate 2015.
The resources consist of a challenge document for your assessed piece of work, along with a trial challenge which can help students prepare and develop skills for their project.
To help you experience business and the world of work you should work together with others in a team of 3-6 members and use skills and knowledge you have developed from researching Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales to design and develop an innovative product based on the collections at the museums. The product must be cost-effective, innovative and suitable for sale in the Amgueddfa Cymru shops.
Welsh Baccalaureate Key Stage 4 - National / Foundation
Enterprise and Employability Challenge - Product
Booking information
To make a booking and talk to someone about this session phone (029) 2057 3600