Learning Activity

Step 4: Keeping weather records (November - March)

Pupils need to begin collecting information, using equipment and sending data via the website from November. Please enter ‘no record’ for any dates that the school is closed or that you are unable to collect weather readings. You can add more details about this under ‘comments’ when entering your data. 
It’s advised that pupils take turns recording and uploading the weather data. This year we are supplying a calendar to document your daily weather readings and to log that each week’s data has been uploaded to the website. The calendar lists five groups and clearly states which group is responsible for each day’s readings. 
Where possible, it’s best to take readings at the same time each day. You could discuss how to best approach this task with your class. Pupils are encouraged to take ownership of the project and responsibility for data collection. If pupils enter data weekly then schools can compare weather records and study the map to identify local trends. Please send data weekly, on Friday afternoons if you can. Entering data regularly increases your chances of winning the end of project prizes!
Pupils will need the following to complete this task: 
  • rain gauge
  • thermometer
  • pencils
  • Pupil Calendar 
  • Class username and password (ready for logging onto the website). 

Use theData dashboard to enter your weather records and see school locations and weather data.

Study data from previous years.

Our weather scientists in action.

Carnbroe Primary School taking weather readings.

Map showing schools who took part in Spring Bulbs for Schools 

Ysgol Llandwrog entering weather data to the website.



My Crocus


My Daffodil