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Making a Goddess

Sian Lile-Pastore, 18 March 2009

For the next two weeks in Oriel 1 in St Fagans we are thrilled that Purnendu Dey and Dibyendu Dey (two artists from India) will be creating an image of the Hindu Goddess Durga. I’ll be keeping you up to date of the making of a Goddess with photographs and a daily report, but, of course, it’s always better to come and see the work for yourselves. The artists are working all day at the museum, but there will be opportunity for you to talk to them and the interpreter (and get a closer look) between 11.30 and 12.30 and 2.00 and 3.00 every day. For more information please have a look at the museum website.

Purnendu Dey and Dibyendu Dey only started work yesterday, so it’s all been preparatory work so far: the wooden backdrops have been built and paper is being soaked. Have a look at the photos below to see what’s happened so far!

Sian Lile-Pastore

Senior Learning, Participation and Interpretation Officer

Comments (1)

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Sandip Raha
20 March 2009, 09:04
It's really exciting to see this work outside INdia. We are very greatful as Wales Puja committee that National Museum of Welsh life has given this project so much support, money and effort. We rae sure that in 2 weeks time Beautiful images will be on display in the Museum.