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Painting the Goddess

Sian Lile-Pastore, 30 March 2009

Over the weekend the painting of the Goddess began. Before arriving on Sunday morning, the artists had boiled up some glue made out of tamarind seeds and water. This sticky (and quite pleasant smelling)light brown mixture was then mixed with a little clay and painted over the figures to seal them and to make them white. Powdered natural paints were then mixed with water and applied to the goddess as a base coat, with another coat just being applied this morning (monday).

The pictures below show the stages followed.

Painting glue over a thin layer of cotton to seal to seal the form

Mixing the paint

The artist Purnendu Dey mixing the natural powdered pigments with water

The artist Dibyendu Dey painting the Goddess Durga


Sian Lile-Pastore

Senior Learning, Participation and Interpretation Officer

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1 April 2009, 08:51
Ma Durga coming to life slowly but surely. Will look grand once finished