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What's your most memorable gig?

Sian Lile-Pastore, 27 July 2009

As part of the Pop Peth/ Music & Me exhibition at St Fagans:National History Museum, we would like to know what's the most memorable gig you've ever been to. Once the exhibition opens, there will be cute ticket-shaped feedback forms for anyone to fill in, but in the meantime post your thoughts/memories below!

I've been asking staff members what their favourite gigs have been and it has ranged from Kylie to Gil Scott-Heron & Amnesia Express. We would love to know your favourite gig too!(mine's Thurston Moore)

Sian Lile-Pastore

Senior Learning, Participation and Interpretation Officer

Comments (2)

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Sian Lile
28 July 2009, 14:59
Yay! Two votes for Gil Scott Heron! any more??
Mari Gordon
28 July 2009, 14:10
I too saw an excellent Gil Scott Heron gig, at the Coal Exchange in Cardiff. I think the best live band I ever saw though was The Clash, that was probably my most exciting gig, and they're still one of my favourite bands ever. Saw them in Liverpool - living in north Wales, we always travelled to Liverpool to see big gigs in those days. Another really memorable night was when Geraint Jarman headlined Padarn Roc (really showing my age now!), one of the first times Titch played the national anthem as a guitar solo to finish the night.
And do you know who else was really good live? - Michael Jackson!