Covid Stories: "I’m looking forward to when this is all over"
21 May 2020
Tecwyn's contribution to the Collecting Covid: Wales 2020 questionnaire project.
I work from home (three days a week) for one of my employers. I have been "put to lockdown" with full pay from my second employer (supermarket) due to being "at risk". Have much more "me" time for DIY projects, hobbies, gardening etc. Much less stressed than normal and started a couple of new hobbies!
At the beginning I was thinking of all the movies etc that I could watch while at home, but found that (probably as a result of the good weather we've had) I prefer to be out in the garden with my hobbies until it's dark! Watched very little TV, probably much less than normal. I miss not being able to travel somewhere for a day out or a break/short holiday. I’m looking forward to when this is all over, but not expecting to be able to do so before 2021.