Covid Stories: “Talking is important and the children do ask questions, but I think being honest is best!”
8 June 2020
Claire's contribution to the Collecting Covid: Wales 2020 questionnaire project.
We have definitely got closer as we deal with this difficult time. We have got to know neighbours we didn't even know. Every Thursday clapping for the NHS on our doorsteps has made us more of a community. My children have been face timing their friends, writing them letters and drawing them pictures as a way to keep in touch. It's been difficult not seeing family members but we have made sure they are safe and contact them.
The children have been fantastic considering the situation. They have adapted well to homeschooling. Talking is important and the children do ask questions, but I think being honest is best! They miss their friends and family as much as we all do, so regular contact via facetime etc is great! They understand why we must stay at home, but missing normality and just being active and going places and visiting. We have baked more as a family and made our own made pizzas, bread, cookies, cakes because we've had more time together.
It’s a very anxious time. I worry constantly for my family and friends. It's upsetting especially when can't see family and friends or visit. It can be heart breaking not being able to visit our nans, parents as they are shielding due to health reasons. I worry my children will fall behind in school and if I'm doing good with homeschooling. Emotions are like being on a rollercoaster.