Virtual Visit

Toys: Virtual Workshop

What toys did children play with in the past? How are these traditional toys different to the toys children play with today? Join our facilitator to discover a selection of toys from the past and see how they compare to modern toys. How have the materials used to make toys changed over time? Be inspired to make your own toys to play with in the classroom.

To make a booking and talk to someone about this session phone (029) 2057 3424

Connect your class with Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales for a free live interactive workshop. Designed for learners aged 3-7.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: For use in school - free of charge.


  • Humanities
  • Expressive Arts 
  • Science and Technology
St Fagans National Museum of History

Booking information

To make a booking and talk to someone about this session phone (029) 2057 3424 or email