Press Releases

David Hurn’s Swaps returns to National Museum Cardiff

A new exhibition featuring photographs from the personal collection of photographer David Hurn opens today (23 October) in the photography gallery at National Museum Cardiff.

Young girl full of joy after having had her Confirmation service. London, England
© David Hurn / Magnum Photos / Amgueddfa Cymru National Museum Wales

David Hurn: Swaps, which will run until 27 March 2022, follows on from the museum’s successful Swaps exhibition in 2017 and will feature further highlights from the David Hurn Collection. The exhibition presents a selection of works by leading photographers that Hurn has collected through the process of exchange.

Of Welsh descent, Hurn lives and works in Wales. Throughout his career as a documentary photographer and member of Magnum Photos, he has been an avid collector of photography, predominantly by swapping works with fellow photographers.

David Hurn: Swaps will feature 68 photographs that celebrate David’s keen eye for photography, his support for other photographers and his appreciation for a variety of photographic disciplines during a stunning career spanning over six decades. The exhibition, curated by Magnum Photos and Martin Parr, was first shown at Photo London in 2017 to mark the 70th anniversary of Magnum Photos, the community of photographers David Hurn has been part of for 55 years.

Some of the highlights of the exhibition include a photograph by Christopher Anderson of Hilary Clinton, taken in 2013 before her presidential campaign; a photograph by David Hurn of British actor of stage and screen Peter O’Toole; and photographs by leading Magnum photographers of everyday people from all over the world.

Hurn gifted a large collection of photographs to Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales in 2017. The gift comprised two parts: approximately 1500 of his own photographs that span his sixty-year career as a documentary photographer; and approximately 700 photographs from his private collection which he has compiled throughout the course of his career.

David Hurn said

“Having an exhibition at National Museum Cardiff is a dream realised for me, and I’m humbled by being able to open my second exhibition there. I remember visiting the museum as a young boy with my mother; she used to tell me of all the works ‘donated’ to the museum – I’m very proud to be a donor of works to our national museum.

“The exhibition includes some of the world’s greatest photographers, many whose work has never been seen before in Wales.

“I hope that everyone will enjoy seeing the photographs from my collection in the exhibition and for years to come at the beautiful photography gallery at National Museum Cardiff.”

Bronwen Colquhoun, Senior Curator of Photography, Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales, said

“We’re very grateful to David for gifting his remarkable collection to Amgueddfa Cymru which made this photography exhibition possible and allows Amgueddfa Cymru to raise its profile as an important centre for photography in the UK.

“We would also like to extend our gratitude to Magnum Photos and Martin Parr for their support with this exhibition.”