Press Releases


David Anderson - Director General, Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales

David Anderson will step down from his role as Director General of Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales in April this year, having led the organisation since 2010. His democratic vision for culture and social justice guided the re-development of St Fagans to become the Art Fund UK Museum of the Year in 2019, and is the foundation of the Museum’s new Strategy 2030, published in 2022. 

Under his Directorship, the Museum is a strong supporter of race and other equalities, and has radically expanded its learning, exhibitions and community engagement programmes, increasing visitor numbers to the seven national museums to nearly 2 million people per year. During the COVID pandemic, Amgueddfa Cymru stood by communities across Wales, developing resources to support local field hospitals, care homes and community organisations. 

David Anderson re-established the exhibitions programme at National Museum Cardiff, of which the KIZUNA exhibition in 2018, featuring star collections from National Museums in Japan, and the Becoming Richard Burton exhibition in 2021, were highlights. He also created the Research Department, and developed international partnerships with organisations that share Amgueddfa Cymru’s democratic values, in North and South America, and Celtic and other nations in Europe.

From April, David will be an Emeritus Fellow at Amgueddfa Cymruand a Visiting Professor at the School of Governance at Cardiff University.


Dawn Bowden, Welsh Government Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport said: 

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank David Anderson for the significant contribution he has made to Amgueddfa Cymru during his twelve years at the Museum. He has overseen the transformation of St Fagans Museum to become the National Museum of History for Wales as well as the development of new programmes and research focused on broadening the role of museums in society. He has also contributed to giving Amgueddfa Cymru clear strategic direction for the coming years with the 2030 strategy and its six commitments providing strong foundations upon which the Museum will serve the communities of Wales and develop its role on the world stage.”


Dr Carol Bell, Vice-President of Amgueddfa Cymru said

“On behalf of the board of Trustees, I should like to thank David warmly for his dedicated service. Amgueddfa Cymru is now a very different organisation to the one David joined 12 years ago. Under his leadership, the museum has become the largest provider of learning outside the classroom in Wales and the passion he has demonstrated for cultural democracy will serve Wales well for many years to come. Amgueddfa Cymru is now considered a thought leader in this area, thanks to David’s excellent relationships with international leaders in this field. 

We look forward to seeing his legacy developing further as it continues to inspire and benefit the people of Wales. We wish him well in his role as an Emeritus Fellow of the museum.”


David Anderson said:

“My twelve years as Director General at Amgueddfa Cymru have been the most rewarding of my professional career. I have been extraordinarily fortunate to work with so many creative, dedicated and inspiring staff at the Museum, whose commitment to the organisation is evident to everyone who visits our museums. I also give grateful thanks to those Trustees who, selflessly and without thought of personal benefit, have given their time and expertise to our Board, to ensure that the Museum remains a strong, independent national institution. All have served Wales as well as the Museum.

The Museum’s new Strategy 2030, based on consultation with nearly 1,000 people across Wales, and informed by our work during the COVID pandemic, is our statement of commitment to the nation. In this, we dedicate ourselves to representing all communities in Wales, in our staff, exhibitions and galleries; to offering opportunities for everyone to learn and be creative; and to caring for nature and the environment in Wales. Our museums across Wales will be places of welcome, sanctuary and wellbeing for everyone. We will use digital technologies to develop our services in partnership with people who cannot visit us in person. We will build on our international networks to connect Wales with the world. 

I look forward very much to supporting the Museum, as a much loved and cherished national institution, in achieving these ambitions, in the years to come.”