Press Releases

The Portable Antiquities Scheme Press Releases

This page displays news from Amgueddfa Cymru — Museum Wales. Please select a title to display the full article.

3 articles.

Treasure Found in North East Wales

20 December 2017

Roman and medieval gold and silver objects found in Wrexham and Flintshire

Twenty Years of Treasure

7 May 2017

Two Welsh discoveries have made it to the ‘Top 20’ list of treasures

Tocelebrate the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the Treasure Act 1996the Sunday Telegraph is highlighting a ‘Top 20’ list of Treasures which the public are invited to voteon. From this ‘Top 20’ list of treasures – Treasure 20 - are two finds from Wales.

Bronze Age treasure on display for first time

6 April 2017

A hoard of bronze artefacts will be presented to Pontypool Museum