Contact Details

Anna Holmes
Invertebrate Biodiversity
National Museum Cardiff

Cathays Park
CF10 3NP

Phone: +44 (0)29 2057 3343

Staff Name

Anna Holmes

Job Title

Curator: Invertebrate Biodiversity (Bivalves)

Areas of Responsibility:

Bivalvia, in particular marine bivalves. Updating the British Bivalves Website.

Qualifications, memberships and relevant positions

  • BSc (Hons) Zoology (Sheffield), Council Member (Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland), Member (Porcupine Marine Natural History Society)
  • Honorary Lecturer (Bangor School of Ocean Sciences)

Research Interests

Research focus on Bivalve taxonomy, particularly British bivalves and non-native and Invasive molluscs. Recent projects include non-native species with special interest in rafting species (Trans-Atlantic) and creating an Invasive non-native species kit for Wales. Other interests: Atlantic Deep-sea benthic bivalves.


Bivalves, taxonomy, deep-sea, phylogeny, Rafting bivalves, Wood borers, curation, benthic molluscs, British bivalves.


Selected Publications

Holmes A.M. & Slade K. 2022 Creating a Marine INNS kit for Wales. Porcupine MNHS Bulletin 18 44–49.

Barfield P., Holmes A., Watson G. & Rowe G. 2018 First Evidence of Arcuatula senhousia (Benson, 1842) the Asian Date Mussel in UK waters Journal of Conchology 43(2) 217–222.

Barfield P, Holmes A, Watson G & Rowe G, 2018, First Evidence of Arcuatula senhousia (Benson, 1842), the Asian Date Mussel in UK Waters, Journal of Conchology 217-224.

Holmes, A.M., Darbyshire, T., Mortimer, K. & Mackie, A.S.Y. (2017) Proceedings of the 12th International Polychaete Conference, Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 1-5 August 2016. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 97(5):829-1209

Holmes AM, 2017, Phylogenetics of British Saddle Oysters (Bivalvia: Anomiidae) – A review of the shell morphology, internal anatomy and genetics of Pododesmus in British waters. Journal of Conchology 42(5): 317-325.

Holmes A.M. 2016 Trans-Atlantic rafting – American molluscs on British and Irish shores. Porcupine MNHS Bulletin 44–46.

Purroy A., Bubic, T.S., Holmes A., Buselic I., Thebault J., Featherstone A. & Peharda M. 2016 Combined use of Morphological and Molecular Tools to Resolve species mis-identification in the Bivalvia – The case of Glycymeris glycymeris and G. pilosa. PLOS one

Holmes AM, 2016, Trans-Atlantic rafting – American molluscs on British and Irish shores. Bulletin of the Porcupine Marine Natural History Society, Spring 2016 5: 44-46.

Purroy A, Šegvić-Bubić T, Holmes A, Bušelić I, Thébault J, Featherstone A & Peharda M, 2016, Combined use of morphological and molecular tools to resolve species mis-identifications in the Bivalvia, The case of Glycymeris glycymeris and G. pilosa. PLOS ONE.

Holmes A.M., Oliver P.G., Trewhella S., Hill R. & Quigley DTG 2015 Trans-Atlantic rafting of inshore Mollusca on Macro-litter: American Molluscs on British and Irish Shores, new records. Journal of Conchology 42(1) 1–9.

Holmes, A.M., Oliver, P.G., Trewhella, S., Hill, R & Quigley D.T.G. 2015. Trans-Atlantic rafting of inshore mollusca on macro-litter: American molluscs on British and Irish shores, new records. Journal of Conchology, 42 (1) 41-49.

Holmes, A.M. 2014. John Gwyn Jeffreys – the Swansea-born deep-sea dredging pioneer (1809-1885). Minerva, The Swansea History Journal, 22 (2014-15) 115-122.

Holmes, A.M. 2012. John Gwyn Jeffreys – His life and his legacy. Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Newsletter, 34, 31-35.

Oliver, P.G., Holmes, A.M., Killeen, I.J. & Turner, J.A. 2010. Marine Bivalve Shells of the British Isles (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales. Available online at

Holmes, A.M. 2009. Challenges in British bivalve taxonomy. Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Newsletter, 26, 23.

Oliver, P.G., Wood, H. & Holmes, A.M. 2009. First British record of the shipworm Uperotus (Bivalvia: Teredinae) from driftwood on the Llyn, Wales. Journal of Conchology, 39(6) 681-682.

Oliver P.G. & Holmes, A.M. 2006. The Arcoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia): a review of the current phonetic-based systematics. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 148 (3) 237-251.

Oliver, P.G. & Holmes, A.M. 2006. New species of Thyasiridae (Bivalvia) from chemosynthetic communities in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Conchology, 39(2) 175-183.

Oliver, P.G. & Holmes, A.M. 2006. A new species of Lucinoma (Bivalvia: Lucinoidea) from the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Oman Margin, Arabian Sea. Journal of Conchology, 39 (1), 63-77.

Holmes A.M., Gallichan J. & Wood, H. 2006. Coracuta obliquata n. gen. (Chaster, 1897) (Bivalvia: Montacutidae) – First British record for 100 years. Journal of Conchology ,39(2) 151-158.

Holmes, A.M., Oliver, P.G. & Sellanes, J. 2005. A new species of Lucinoma (Bivalvia: Lucinoidea) from a methane gas seep off the southwest coast of Chile. Journal of Conchology,38 (6) 673-681.

Oliver, P.G., Holmes, A.M., Killeen, I.J., Light, I.J. & Wood, H. 2004. Annotated checklist of the marine Bivalvia of Rodrigues. Journal of Natural History, 38, 3229-3272.

Oliver, P.G. & Holmes, A.M. 2004. Cryptic bivalves with description of new species from the Rodrigues lagoon. Journal of Natural History, 38, 3175-3227.

Oliver, G., Holmes, A., Wood, H., Killeen, I. & Light, J.  Studies of the Mollusca of the Rodrigues Lagoon.  In J.C. Burnett, J.S. Kavanagh and T. Spencer (eds), Shoals of Capricorn Programme Field Report, 1998-2001. Royal Geographic Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) London, 40-41.

Blog Entries

15 May 2023
by Anna Holmes
2 March 2015