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Pont Aberglaslyn

NICHOLSON, Francis (1753 - 1844)

Media: oil on canvas

Size: 55.6 x 76.0 cm

Acquired: 1919; Purchase

Accession Number: NMW A 505

The Reverend J. Evans, visiting this bridge linking Caernarvonshire with Merioneth in the 1790s wrote - 'The scenery is the most magnificent that can be imagined; the eye becomes fixed, and the mind wrapped in emotions of silent wonder...the perpendicular dark cliffs the greatest irregularity a thousand feet...everything contributes in a high degree to render this scene of sublimity, arising from the combination of gloom and grandeur. Nicholson, a Yorkshire painter, is better known as a watercolourist. This work was engraved in 1809.

Comments (4)

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Rachel Flynn (Assistant Curator of Historic Art, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales)
23 July 2012, 12:24
Dear Mike Smith,

Thank you for your enquiry. I would be happy to discuss your watercolour and the work of Nicholson further if you would like to contact me direct on

Best wishes,

Rachel Flynn
Assistant Curator of Historic Art
Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales
Mike Smith
19 July 2012, 19:35
I recently purchased a watercolour dated 1799 it had the initials E N but could be F N or G N. Having taken it out of the frame it is paper on card. On the reverse it has Near Barmouth N Wales and signed E or F Nicholson. Having looked at the picture above it is very similar in style and has two people in the fore ground overlooking the bay. Can anyone suggest someone to look at it to determine if it is a FN
Prof G H Bell
11 June 2012, 13:17
I have recently curated an exhibition "Francis Nicholosn (1753-1844) Painter, Printmaker and Drawing Master". The catalogue, published by Blackthorn Press (2012) is available through Amazon giving much informaton about his life and times. His youngest daughter and son visited Ireland on a sketching tour in 1821 but there is no evidence that their father ever travelled abroad.
FN values range from a few hundred pounds for small and faded examples to
josephine cooney
14 April 2012, 15:28
it is a wonderful picture, does anyone know its value, did he paint in ireland.
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