Art Collections Online
PIPER, John (1903 - 1992)
(We are not able to provide an image for this item at this time. This is either due to copyright restrictions, or because the item is awaiting digitisation. We apologise for any inconvenience.)
Date: 1935
Media: oil on canvas
Size: 40.7 x 30.2 cm
Acquired: 1977; Purchase
Accession Number: NMW A 2094
Piper experimented with abstract compositions of form and colour between 1934 and 1938. This painting was illustrated in 1936 in the magazine on abstract art, Axis, then edited by his wife Myfanwy. The same year Piper expressed the hope that abstract painting would become 'lucid and popular, not in the least highbrow'. After abandoning abstraction in favour of neo-romantic landscape painting, he regarded these early compositions as 'exercises'.
Comments - (2)
Hi there Julia
Thanks for your enquiry. I will pass your message on to the curator via email - you should hear from us soon.
Digital Team
I am researching the 1935 abstract works by Piper.
Thank you in advance
Julia Godfrey