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Homage to Beethoven

RICHARDS, Ceri Giraldus (1903 - 1971)

Date: 1953

Media: oil on canvas

Size: 127.3 x 102.4 cm

Acquired: 1956; Gift; Contemporary Art Society

Accession Number: NMW A 591

Richards was deeply affected by the death of Dylan Thomas in 1953 and produced a series of works in homage to the dead poet. This allegorical composition celebrates another of the artist's heroes, Ludwig van Beethoven. It juxtaposes two favourite themes. One of these is a musing woman, turning from a piano and a French horn to a sheet of music. The other is a pair of energetic galloping horses, ultimately derived from The Lion Hunt by the French Romantic painter Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863).

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elvet thomas
14 October 2011, 16:56
perfect in all respects truly welsh temprament expressed in the 21st century form.
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