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Reverend Christmas Evans (1766-1838)

ROOS, William (1808 - 1878)

Date: 1835

Media: oil on canvas

Size: 38.1 x 33.0 cm

Acquired: 1907; Purchase

Accession Number: NMW A 2410

Born at Bodgadfa, Angelsey, Roos enjoyed some success as a portraitist and a painter of animals. He engraved this portrait of the Baptist minister Christmas Evans (1766-1838) in mezzotint, and it is his best-known work. Evans was one of the powerful preachers of the day, an evangelical fire-and-brimstone revivalist who could drive a congregation to terror or religious ecstasy. Roos's painting captures the sheer physical power of the man - who was, reputedly, 7 feet tall - and had only one eye, the other blind socket being sewn shut.

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