Art Collections Online

Leaving West Bute Dock, Cardiff

SHORT, Richard (1841 - 1916)

Media: oil on canvas

Size: 66.7 x 115.6 cm

Acquired: 1989; Purchase

Accession Number: NMW A 1665

Comments (2)

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Sara Huws Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales Staff
27 October 2016, 15:06

Hi there Peter

Thanks for your enquiry. I'll pass it on to the art department to see what information they have on record about the artist.


Digital Team

peter murphy
27 October 2016, 13:25
I am interested in this painter as I bought a painting by him at an art auction in Cork about 12 years ago which I liked or at least I think that it could be him as he painted nautical paintings. I recollect that the auctioneer said that he was Canadian?
Will try to send a photo by email..
Peter Murphy
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