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The Cathedral, the Southern Faces / Uluru (Ayers Rock)

ANDREWS, Michael (1928 - 1995)

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Date: 1987

Media: acrylic on canvas

Size: 243.8 x 388.6 cm

Acquired: 1993; Loan; Derek Williams Trust

Accession Number: NMW A(L) 918

Andrews studied at the Slade School of Art and visited Ayers Rock in 1983. Situated in the Uluru National Park in Central Australia, it is a religious site of the highest significance to the Aborigines and a major tourist attraction. This dual significance is alluded to by the contrast between the profound subject-matter and the bright colours and flat handling, reminiscent of Pop Art. When he visited the 'magical mountain' Andrews recalled the famous Anglican hymn 'Rock of Ages, cleft for me'.

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