Art Collections Online

The Rug Seller, Tréboul

WOOD, Christopher (1901 - 1930)

Date: 1930

Media: oil on board

Size: 63.5 x 81.3 cm

Acquired: 2011; Purchase; Purchased with assistance of the Art Fund (with a contribution from the Wolfson Foundation), the DWT, the Brecknock Art Trust and a private individual.

Accession Number: NMW A 29686

Wood is best known for the paintings he produced in west Cornwall and Brittany in the years 1928-30. These remote coastal regions gave him a respite from the pressures of life in Paris and provided him with the harbours, cobbled streets and fisherman that would be the subjects for his strongest paintings. His direct, naïve style captured a romantic, spiritual quality in the landscape and people of Cornwall and Brittany and their shared Celtic culture.

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Eleanor Meredith
9 August 2020, 13:12
I have this hanging on my wall in the house
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