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Bird Feeder Blog

Gareth Bonello, 17 October 2008

feeder & camera

Hi there all! Hope you’re enjoying watching the now that it’s up and running. It’s almost always busy at the feeder at the moment so there’s plenty to keep you entertained (or in my case distracted from work!). It’s particularly popular with Great Tits, Blue Tits and Coal Tits as well as Greenfinch, Chaffinch and House Sparrow. The Nuthatch and Robin are also regulars with Goldfinch and Bullfinch making infrequent visits. The feeder also suffers regular raids from our resident squirrels and although they’re a bit of a nuisance for the birds it’s pretty entertaining watching their acrobatic attempts at getting to the food!

nuthatch feeder1

tits on feeder1

tits on feeder3

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Masters Dissertation
23 November 2009, 09:39
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