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The big plant 2013-10-16

Danielle Cowell, 16 October 2013

Just five days now until the big planting week which will take place all over the UK as part of the Spring Bulbs for Schools investigation! I do hope the weather is kind to us!

Six and a half thousand pupils will plant bulbs as the 1st step in this exciting climate investigation.

English and Welsh schools will be planting on the 21st of October and Scottish schools on the 25th.

To all of you planting:

  • Remember to make your labels before you plant!
  • Please read this before Planting your bulbs to ensure a fair-test!
  • Please send me or Tweet me pictures of your class planting to use in this blog.

My Twitter account is

Good luck bulb buddies!

Professor Plant







Danielle Cowell

Learning, Participation & Interpretation Manager (NRLM)

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Manor Road Primary School
21 October 2013, 19:30
Hello from all in Year 4 at Manor Road.

Despite the doubtful weather forecast this morning we have managed to plant up all our bulbs today. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and we now have a Classroom Bulb Board to record our project as we proceed.