Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Song sheet

Cowbridge Pride (Cowbridge Pride was founded by Steps star, Ian 'H' Watkins, with support of the Welsh Government and the Vale of Glamorgan Council. It was held first between 19-25 September 2022. The first Cowbridge Pride Parade was held the following year on 24 June 2023.)

Lyrics for song 'You're the only one!' composed by Caryl Parry Jones and the pupils of Ysgol Iolo Morganwg. In 2023, Cowbridge Pride organized a songwriting workshop for students of Ysgol Iolo Morganwg. During the workshop, the students wrote lyrics around the themes of kindness and self-acceptance. The song was then recorded at a professional studio. The video of the pupils singing the song was played at Cowbridge Pride Gala held at the Bear Hotel on Friday 23 June 2023.

Collection Area

Social & Cultural History

Item Number



Cowbridge Pride
Date: 06/2023


Collected Officially, 5/7/2023


Length (mm): 297
Width (mm): 211




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