Bronze Age Gold from Wales

The Hour of Prayer

Eija-Liisa Ahtila takes the viewer on a journey in her video work The Hour of Prayer. The work tells the story of dealing with grief starting in a January storm in New York and ending in Benin, West Africa eleven months later. The work is based on Ahtila’s own life.

These images are stills from a film or video artwork. Artist films are often created with specific experiences or physical spaces in mind. As a result, and for additional copyright reasons, we’re currently unable to show the full work as it was intended online.

Collection Area


Item Number

NMW A 29328


AHTILA, Eija-Liisa
Date: 2005


Purchase - ass. of DWT and Art Fund, 5/8/2008
Purchased support from The Derek Williams Trust Artes Mundi Purchase Prize and The Art Fund





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