Bronze Age Gold from Wales


Roedd Gillian Ayres ymhlith artistiaid haniaethol pwysicaf ei chenhedlaeth ym Mhrydain, ac yn athrawes celf ddylanwadol. Ym 1981, symudodd i ogledd Cymru i roi ei holl amser i'w chrefft. Yn 2017, cynhaliodd Amgueddfa Cymru arddangosfa fawr o'i gwaith (Gillian Ayres yng Nghymru: Stori heb ei Hadrodd) gan lenwi orielau'r Adain Orllewinol gyda'i phaentiadau mawr lliwgar. Mae'r gwaith collage ac olew dienw yma yn enghraifft brin o'i gweithiau ar bapur o ddechrau'r 1960au – dinistriodd lawer ohonynt yn ddiweddarach. Mae'r collage yn cynnwys toriadau o atgynhyrchiad o'i gwaith Lure, paentiad o 1963 o gasgliad Cyngor y Celfyddydau ac a fenthycwyd i Amgueddfa Cymru ar gyfer yr arddangosfa.

Gillian Ayres was one of the leading British abstract painters of her generation, as well as an influential art teacher. In 1981 she moved to North Wales to focus on her painting full-time. In 2017, Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales held a major exhibition of Ayres’ work (Gillian Ayres in Wales: An Untold Story), filling the West Wing galleries with her large and colourful paintings. This untitled oil and collage work is a rare example of Ayres’ early 1960s works on paper, many of which she later destroyed. The collage elements include cuttings of reproductions of Lure, a 1963 painting in the Arts Council Collection which was lent to Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales for the 2017 exhibition.

Collection Area


Item Number

NMW A(L) 2271


AYRES, Gillian
Date: 1963


Height (cm): 52.4
Width (cm): 77.8


oil and collage on paper




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