Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Ingot Pictorial (video)

British Steel: Tape 5.

1 - 4 "Detectives of Industry" - Operational research at Margam (Silent) (Described by Wynford Vaughan Thomas). 4 - 9 "Quiet Weekend - in the Clouds" - Flying in RAF (Silent) (Charles Gardner reports). 9 - 13 "Red Sails in the Sunset" - Abbey Works sailing club (in colour).

Ingot Pictorial No.21 - 1954. 14 - 18 "Mumbles Cavalcade 1804-1954" - Swansea to Mumbles railway. 18 - 20 "Velindre Up To Date" - Swansea's great new Tinplate Works keeps building schedule (reported by Leslie Mitchell). 20 - 24 "Champions All" - Finals of Ebbw Vale sports. 24 - 29 "More Detectives in Industry" - Alan Hacking, Head of RTB research at The Firs Aylesbury, takes Stirling Moss on a conducted tour of RTB's research establishment. 29 - 32 "Plain Water" - Redbourn's water supply.

Ingot Pictorial No.22 - 1955. 32 - 35 "Scenes Behind Scenes" - Before the curtain rises on the Ebbw Vale 1955 pantomime. 35 - 38 "Tools for the Job" - Making a rolling mill at Davy United's works Sheffield. 38 - 43 "Usual Routine - An Explosive Holiday" - Ivor Hill, Surveyor at Ebbw Vale, working with bomb disposal squad. 43 - 44 "Big Step Up" - Blowing in Redbourn's No.3 blast furnace. 44 - 48 "Safe Bind Safe Find" - Making steel safes by Milner's of Liverpool.

Ingot Pictorial No.23 - Dec. 1955. 49 - 55 "Fashions of Today" - Men's fashion parade (presented by Naunton & Jon Pertwee). 55 - 57 "From Towy to Tinplate" - Welsh fishing river serves Trostre works. Opening of new pumping station at Towy.

end of tape.

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Item Number



Donation, 11/11/1996


Length (cm): 19
Width (cm): 10.5
Height (cm): 2.5




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