Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Middle Bronze Age bronze spearhead

Side-looped bronze spearhead, 1550-1275 BCE.

Bronze Age weapons have been discovered across Europe. They show how important warriors were in these early metal-working communities. Weapons have changed over time. At first flat daggers and knives were the most typical. These were followed by dirks and rapiers for stabbing and thrusting. Towards the end of the Bronze Age, the first true slashing swords became the weapons of choice. Bronze spearheads were also used. 3,700 years ago they replaced bows and arrows as the most common projectile weapon.

Pen picell dolen ystlysol efydd, 1550-1275 CC.

Mae arfau Oes yr Efydd wedi dod i’r fei ym mhob cwr o Ewrop, gan ddangos pwysigrwydd rhyfelwyr yn y cymunedau cynnar hyn. Mae arfau wedi newid dros amser. Dagerau gwastad a chyllyll oedd fwyaf cyffredin i ddechrau. Yna, cafwyd cleddyfanau a meingleddyfau ar gyfer trywanu. Tua diwedd Oes yr Efydd, cleddyfau slaesio go iawn oedd yn boblogaidd. 3,700 o flynyddoedd yn ôl, gwaywffyn â phennau efydd oedd yr arf awyr mwyaf cyffredin, yn hytrach na’r bwa a saeth.


Collection Area

Archaeology & Numismatics

Item Number


Find Information

Site Name: Llan Bwch-Llyn, Painscastle

Collection Method: chance find
Date: 1960s

Notes: Hooked out of lake on end of a fishing line in the early 1960s.


Purchase, 5/7/1999


length / mm:161
width / mm:45.2
thickness / mm:20.6
weight / g:119.1


St Fagans Gweithdy gallery : Bronze Age Weapons

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Bronze Age weapons
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