Bronze Age Gold from Wales
Automatic Coal Cleaning Co. Ltd. trade catalogue
Moroon coloured card file with fourteen articles/ booklets inside. These include a engineers drawing (reduced size copy) of the 'arrangement of small coal washery'; an advertisiing leaflet for wet washers; an automatic control service manual for the ACCO automatic shale govenor washbox; an advertising leaflet for the ACCO automatic washing system; a service manual for the ACCO washbox control; an advertising leaflet for the ACCO small coal washbox; a booklet for the ACCO fully automatic small coal washbox; an article 'washing small coal' taken from The Iron and Coal trades review, 1950; a leaflet of the ACCO coal preparation plant; a booklet 'some modern developments in coal preparation on jig type wash boxes'; a leaflet for the 'ACCO froth floatation cell'; an article taken from "Colliery Engineering,1951 'A new floatation cell'; an article from Colliery Engineering, 1941 'An automatic control for washboxes'; and an article from the Colliery Guardian 'Cleaning plant at Allerdale Coal Co.Ltd.'