Bronze Age Gold from Wales


Campaign for Homosexual Equality (The Campaign for Homosexual Equality was founded in 1964 as the North Western Committee for Homosexual Law Reform. It was heavily involved in campaigns that lead to the partial decriminalisation of male homosexual acts in 1967. In 1969 it became the Committee for Homosexual Equality, and then in 1971 was renamed as the Campaign for Homosexual Equality.)

Badge 'Campaign for Homosexual Equality' worn by Mike Ashdown who was involved with the Cardiff Campaign for Homosexual Equality throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, initially as Group Secretary, then from about 1974 to 1977 as Convenor. The Cardiff Campaign for Homosexual Equality was founded in 1971 with the twin objectives of supporting the national campaigning activities of CHE in England and Wales, and providing a space for gay people.

The Campaign for Homosexual Equality was founded in 1964 as the North Western Committee for Homosexual Law Reform. It was heavily involved in campaigns that lead to the partial decriminalisation of male homosexual acts in 1967. In 1969 it became the Committee for Homosexual Equality, and then in 1971 was renamed as the Campaign for Homosexual Equality.

Collection Area

Social & Cultural History

Item Number



Campaign for Homosexual Equality
Date: 1970s


Donation, 16/12/2021


diameter (mm): 47
Height (mm): 5




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