Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Head of a bearded man

JOHN, Gwen (Bu Gwen John yn mynychu Ysgol Gelfyddyd Gain y Slade yn Llundain rhwng 1895 a 1898, a bu'n astudio am gyfnod byr ym Mharis. Ym 1903, aeth gyda Dorelia McNeill ar daith gerdded trwy Ffrainc. Erbyn dechrau 1904, roedd wedi ymsefydlu ym Mharis. | Gwen John attended the Slade School of Fine Art in London between 1895 and 1898, and studied briefly in Paris. In 1903, she accompanied Dorelia McNeill on a walking tour through France. By the beginning of 1904, she had settled in Paris.)

Gwen John met the sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) in 1904. Rodin was France’s most legendary artistic figure and was at the height of his career. John modelled for him and they began a passionate love affair. She also became his protégée. This carefully executed study of Rodin probably derives from one of the photographs Rodin gave her that she kept in her room.

Collection Area


Item Number

NMW A 3517


JOHN, Gwen


Purchase, 29/7/1976


Height (cm): 28
Width (cm): 22.4
Height (in): 11
Width (in): 8


charcoal on paper
drawings and watercolours
Fine Art - works on paper




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