Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Tar pump from Monmouth Gas Works

Joseph Evans & Sons Reliable Pump, serial number - 33477. Horizontal reciprocating steam pump, used to pump tar at the Monmouth Gas Works. Built by Joseph Evans & Sons Ltd. , Wolverhampton. The 'Reliable' pump- Evans Patent. Reg. No. 33477. Size - 5&3x6. The machine is mounted on a modern steel underframe, has a mechanical lubricator, 'Tell Tale' grease lubricators on the crankshaft bearings, a 'Banjo' connecting rod and two air recievers at the pump end. Colour - Black, green and red.

Until the advent of natural gas, all domestic gas supplies came from the heating of coal in retorts at the local gas works. Apart from gas, many other products were evolved from coal, including tar. The tar pump came from Monmouth Gas Works, and was made by Joseph Evans of Wolverhampton.

Source: Welsh Industrial & Maritime Museum Guidebook, 1984

Collection Area


Item Number

Ref 12.9


Joseph Evans & Sons


Length (mm): 1670
Width (mm): 940
Height (mm): 1800


cast iron
asbestos, white - Chrysotile


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