Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Mister Sandman (video)

Black and white silent film made by Richard Watkins. Running time 17.20 mins.
Film opens with stills of M.V. BOWQUEEN followed by photos of named crew: Roger Halse, Doug Crocker, David Jeremy and Captain Fred Pearce and Stuart Isaac. Film then has a still of the sand dredger equipment and the names of the other crew members on one side of image - Harry Burford, Howard Cozens, Frank Dyer, Ron Heath. Moving footage starts with film of shoreline taken from aboard dredger, the dredger pulling out of docks and the crew setting up the dredging equipment. Film continues with close up of the ship's wheel and the radar and captain on the bridge, then shows the dredging before moving below deck to show the captain and crew member checking the engines?. Film then shows the cook preparing a meal, an anchor being raised before showing the captain and crew member going to bed. Then see people drinking in a bar. Final section starts with a view of the bow of the ship in rough seas and then shows the captain and crew member waking, getting up and washing. The film ends with shots of the dredger at sea before switching to a still of the bow of the dredger. The end credit thanks The British Dredging Corporation.

Video cassette copied from film.

Collection Area


Item Number



Watkins, Richard
Date: 1970s


Collected officially, 1993



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