Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Middle Bronze Age bronze leaf shaped sword

The fragment consists of the upper part of the blade and a handle-plate with four rivet holes, in which two rivets remain. The blade is of lenticular section with a flattened midrib and consists of two fragments joined. There is frequent and repeated notching along the upper blade surfaces, which indicates deliberate destruction and breakage of sword notches.

Collection Area

Archaeology & Numismatics

Item Number


Find Information

Site Name: Langrove, Penard

Collection Method: surface find
Date: 1827

Notes: Found by a quarryman in a hole in the ground covered by a flat stone.


Donation, 16/11/1915


length / mm:143.5*
maximum width / mm:45.5*** (hilt end)
width / mm
width / mm:31.5* (at break)
weight / g:122.7*
width / mm:21.5* (at hilt end)
thickness / mm:6.5* (along midrib)
diameter / mm:4.0* (rivet holes)
length / mm:138.0**
width / mm:42.0** (lower end)
width / mm:31.0** (upper end)
thickness / mm:7.0** (along midrib)
weight / g:140.5**


copper alloy


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