Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Western Mail Ltd, roll of honour

Western Mail Limited, Cardiff, employees' Roll of Honour, 1914-1918. Hand illuminated polychrome first world war roll of honour headed “Western Mail Limited. Roll of honour. The following are the names of those who served in H.M.Forces during the Great War (1914-1918) and of those who made the supreme sacrifice, the names of the latter being inscribed in gold.” Ornate polychrome borders with gold leaf. Centre top crown and English and Welsh royal shields on ground of laurel leaves. Centre bottom allegorical female figures representing peace with a dove, and justice blindfolded holding sword and scales on ground of sprays of daffodils. Left a flamboyant red dragon; right the national flags of Japan, Belgium, France, America and Italy on ground of laurel leaves and, below, pair of crossed leeks. List of names headed by “Sir David Hughes Morgan, J.P.” in large illuminated red letters, followed by 152 names in alphabetical order by surname, mainly with initials but a few with forenames: 21 in gold, 131 in black. Total 153 names including Sir David Hughes Morgan. Bottom left “Western Mail Limited”, bottom right signed “Fred J. Dobbs”.

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Item Number



Western Mail Limited
Fred J., Dobbs


Donation, 15/5/2017


Length (mm): 787
Width (mm): 1323




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