Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Late Bronze Age looped palstave

Palstave of late type; with a loop and plain narrow blade, butt portion and blade (broken off). The seams are prominent, indicating that this is an unfinished palstave.

Collection Area

Archaeology & Numismatics

Item Number


Find Information

Site Name: Crowther's Camp, Guilsfield

Date: 1862

Notes: Found during the digging of a field drain, packed tight as though originally deposited in a perishable container, on the south-east side of Rhuallt, 100m from Crowther's Camp, an Early Iron Age hillfort, near Guilsfield.


(): maximum length / mm:76.0
(): length / mm
(): maximum width / mm:42.0
(): width / mm
(): maximum thickness / mm:23.0
(): thickness / mm
(): weight / g:267.6


copper alloy


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