Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Transport & General Workers' Union, memb. card

A rectangular piece of grey card, folded in the middle, with lettering printed in black ink on front, back, and centre. The writing on the membership is in Welsh. This membership card records the subscription paid by a quarryman each week to the Transport & General Worker’s Union (North Wales Quarrymen’s Branch). The subscription contributions are recorded in the centre of the membership card, and are divided into four quarters. Each quarter is then subdivided into thirteen weeks a quarter. On the back of the membership card there is a list of four main benefits entitled to the members of the union. Members were entitled to benefits during strikes or lock outs; after suffering an accident; at death; and legal support. Three rules regarding membership and membership fees are listed on the back of the card. The membership card belonged to Mr Hugh William Jones (donor’s grandfather), and records his Union subscription for 1958. Mr Hugh William Jones was a quarryman at Dinorwig Quarry, and lived at Pen Llyn near Cwm y Glo.

Trade Unionism has a strong link with the north Wales quarrying communities – The North Wales Quarrymen’s Union was established in 1874. It merged with the Transport and General Workers’ Union in 1923.

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Item Number



Donation, 3/7/2015


folded (mm): 128
folded (mm): 79
unfolded (mm): 129
unfolded (mm): 158




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