Bronze Age Gold from Wales

A white monk

WILSON, Richard (1714-1782 Richard Wilson, originally from Montgomeryshire, is often called ‘the Father of British landscapes’ for the key role he played in the development of the tradition, though he initially trained as a portrait painter. He became the first major artist to popularize images of Wales that went beyond topographical accuracy. Caiff Richard Wilson, sy’n wreiddiol o Sir Drefaldwyn, ei alw’n aml yn ‘Dad tirluniau Prydain’ am y rôl allweddol a chwaraeodd yn natblygiad y traddodiad, er iddo hyfforddi fel peintiwr portreadau i gychwyn. Ef oedd yr artist mawr cyntaf i boblogeiddio delweddau o Gymru oedd yn mynd y tu hwnt i gywirdeb topograffaidd.)

This Italian scene is partly imaginary, but the landscape is based on the valley of the river Aniene near Rome. Its original title is unknown and it takes its name from the monk being whipped (upper left). There are several variations by Wilson himself of the composition. This is one of many more made by studio assistants and copyists.

Collection Area


Item Number

NMW A 5192


WILSON, Richard


Gift, 26/7/1946
Given by F.J. Nettlefold



oil on canvas
Techniques (fine art)
art dept - fine
Fine Art - painting




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