Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Llandaff loop line bridge over River Taff, photograph

Bridge over the Glamorganshire Canal carrying the Taff Vale Railway Llandaff Loop Line with the bridge carrying the main line of the Taff Vale Railway immediately behind, view looking north from the canal towpath on the west side of the canal. The masonry arch on the right (east) carried Ty-Mawr Road beneath the railway. The name of Finch & Co, Chepstow painted on the steel truss and on the steel girders behind, the presence of temporary painters’ boards slung beneath the bridge, the incomplete parapet of the masonry arch, a contractor’s ballast wagon on the extreme left (west), and the light foliage on the tree indicate that the photograph was taken to record the newly installed bridge shortly prior to the loop line opening to traffic on 28 May 1900. At least five workmen are on the bridge left (west) of centre and at least four workmen are on the right (east) side of the bridge, confirming that work on the bridge is ongoing. The rolling stock is the rear part of a Cardiff-bound TVR train, probably on the quadruple track main line beyond the double track on the new bridge; from right to left comprising a three plank wagon, three vans, a four or six wheel parcels or brake carriage (possibly no.240), and a brake van. Loop Junction and Llandaff Loop Signal Box are a short distance out of view to the right (east).

One of four photographs stuck onto cream card, two on front and two on reverse.

Collection Area


Item Number



Date: 1900


Donation, 17/12/1970


mount (mm): 110
mount (mm): 153


albumen print




In store


buildings bridge
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