Bronze Age Gold from Wales

Late Bronze Age bronze sword

Narrow upper sword blade fragment. Pronounced bending of whole fragment, caused at time of deliberate breakage in antiquity. Cross section has a gently rounded middle section bordered by slightly concave outer sections. No bevelling visible. Fragment is markedly more weathered on surface than other sword fragments. Blade edge survives on one side and is weathered on the other. Pronounced nick created in antiquity and a probable second on the better surviving edge probably represents use wear. Green patina.

Collection Area

Archaeology & Numismatics

Item Number


Find Information

Site Name: St Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan

Collection Method: metal detector
Date: 2003

Notes: Found within a field under pasture


(): length / mm:69.5
(): width / mm:28.0 at other break
(): thickness / mm:7.7
(): weight / g:63.4 before cleaning
(): width / mm:27.6 at break




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