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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Early Bronze Age bronze spearhead
Type 2A Decorated Early pegged and socketed spearhead. Complete bronze spearhead with a triangular shaped, blade tapering near the point.The blade has a narrow and prominant lozenge midrib and the blade is enclosed by a raised bevel, with deep blade chanels and a V-shaped raised base. The base of the blade edges merge with the oval-shaped socket with shallow concave curves. Near the socket mouth are two oval shaped peg holes, each with recessed external borders. The socket is decorated on both sides. At the top and benath the V-shaped blade base an incised V-shaped pair of parallel lines is infilled with short parallel lines. Beneath this are four bands of chevorns banded or infilled incised lines. There are striations visible on the blade bevel, running parallel to the blade edge in places, suggesting sharpening for use.
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Find Information
Site Name: Wenvoe, Vale of Glamorgan
Notes: It is probable that these artefacts were deposited together as a hoard, being disturbed and dispersed in recent times due to farm cultivation.